So you see why I haven't been posting...sigh.
But on the bright side, my pool is fabulously warm. Been planting flowers and herbs back there for even more beauty.
Riding bike, and bicycling in pool with floats. Mom's fig tree still alive. Grass seeds haven't come up in front yet.
Making vegetable stew tonight.
Haven't caught the thrift store lady, Carol, in yet.
Thanks Uncle Sam for paying back the loan. I can use it to pay the mortgage on the empty house in Kennesaw.
Have one week to clean up the guest room for Linda and John. Darn, I never should have put the quilting stuff in there. It snowballed.
Wish Mom had never introduced me to Sweet Berries frozen custard. Darn again.
So anyway if you come for a visit bring a swim suit, or sit on the side and watch me swim. Heh, heh.
Don't worry if you are afraid of birds, the ducks leave when I get in. Tee Hee.
It looks funny to see ducks in your pool. Guess they need somewhere to go, the Gulf's a little murky. What happens when they tell all their friends they found a clean place to swim??? You might want to buy more shrimp, probably from China; they don't have oil spills.