Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day 2010


I happen to be blessed with two beautiful, intelligent, loving daughters. They have pleased me through our lives with humor, joy, music and song. They have shown their love for me in thousands of ways, creative, helpful, generous, and caring. They have grown with love for family, friends, animals, earth and mankind as well as their carefully chosen partners. Mother's Day is the perfect time to tell them how fulfilled I am to be their mother, and how proud of the wonderful women they have become.

As my own Mother passes behind me collecting trash from the wastebaskets. And prepares for her volunteer job at the DeSoto National Monument Park. I am doubly blessed. How fortunate I am to have had the best Mom in the world as a child. She was the Mom who I volunteered for every trip, party, cake bake, chaperon, etc in school. She was the Mom who watched all the neighbors kids because we wanted to play at my house. She was the Scout leader, basketball coach, volunteer lunch lady and swim team carpool driver. She was support for the years my kids were growing. The grandma beloved. Always giving of her time, help and advice. But best of all she has given me the best gift of being here, alive and healthy for me to enjoy in my retirement. Feeding the ducks, squirrels, and assorted other birds and skimming never ending leaves from the pool. Taking trips to the second hand bookstore, lunch out, fishing, walking, cooking and relaxing together. Thanks Mom for everything.

1 comment:

  1. Love you mommy! Love gma too! How lucky am I to have you both!
