My Special Friend Linda Coker and her talented husband John are visiting for a few days. We love to have them for guests as they always have new and ongoing tales to tell. Linda and I met in our former lives as PRC employees in Winter Park, Florida. We enjoyed each other's company during meals and breaks when we would walk on the grounds or feed the fish/turtles. The turtles became our totem and it seemed whenever we were together we would see a turtle. I guess that isn't strange for Florida but significant anyway.
When I had to move to Georgia, our friendship remained strong even with a days drive distance and 12 years. And now that I am back we can see each other often. They are collectors of many items, enjoy music and movies, sightseeing and shopping, photography and storytelling. They both enjoy my Mother and her flashing wit. And sharing their time and friendship with us.
Too many years ago I visited Linda's family in Abaco and they were a joy. They made us feel welcome, generously opened their homes, businesses and hearts to us. My husband and my daughters being along made it one of the most memorable experiences of my life. And as you can guess, I was also welcomed by many georgous warm waters.
That was such an amazing trip. I will never forget it!