Sunday, May 30, 2010
Big duck had 13 babies and brought them to us to feed.
And Snowman spent the afternoon in the tree, Mom said she saw Whitey picking up sticks. Egrets nest in trees. So will we have baby egrets to feed as well?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Honey's Home
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Egret's Last Supper
I was feeding Snowman and Whitey when another egret appeared. Green on bill like Whitey, and Whitey didn't care for it and went into attack mode. Then low and behold another egret flew down from the roof, bill like Snowman and also wanted shrimp. Hrmpf! Not enough shrimp for four and no plans for ever feeding four. Forget it. I went for my camera and when I came out, with the cup still in my hand, more pecking occured and white feathers flew. Also not my plan to start a range war. In the photo are the two green bills. The other two had flown to either end of the roof to get out of the line of fire. So, I have learned my lesson. No more giant bird feeding for me. Mom can do as she wishes. If you ask me, 20 ducks, 30 squirrels, numerous Jays and Crows and the little unidentified blackbirds; Martins? Cowbirds? Grackles? Plain ole Blackbirds. Whatever. That should be enough for any two old ladies.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
New Birds
Great Blue Heron and White Ibises joined the crew. We wisely did not feed the heron, could never keep him full! One great egret now lives with us. Anytime we are outside, he/she is there.
I painted one of Nannie's metal chairs with primer. Shoulda bought spray primer. Three more chairs and a table.
Do not read any further, it could be a downer.
I am hungry but that is another blog.
I'm not happy today, algae in pool, alone while Mom worked, upsetting phone call, rear hurts from sitting on concrete four hours planting grass plugs. Knew it would be hard giving up my diet cokes. If you can't have sugar and you don't choose to use artificial sweeteners, there isn't much left. I do sorta like beer, but I don't need to start that. So water it is. And orange juice that I cut with lime flavored bottle water. So that means I'm a little dehydrated from being outside and not wanting to drink much water. All of these things are my fault except the algae, maybe.
I am looking forward to Idol, I hope it is a good show. I like both kids.
I want food. But don't feel like cooking.Wah! Poor me.
I am sure I will feel better tomorrow. I have my water class. Yay, exercise for chasing the blues.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Busy Day
I had a long list of things to do and made six stops to do them all. Whew.
I picked up my glasses and am afraid I will have to take back my sunglasses. The frames seem to be too large, I tried them, but when I got hot sitting in the sun, they started sliding off my nose. And I really loved the frames best. Bummer.
Also bought more dirt to plant some grass for Mom. Paint to repaint the metal table and chairs. Groceries. Meds from dear CVS. Shipped some housewarming gifts North for the girls. And dropped off some food culled from our pantry.
Back writing on Dee' check it out if you want.
I picked up my glasses and am afraid I will have to take back my sunglasses. The frames seem to be too large, I tried them, but when I got hot sitting in the sun, they started sliding off my nose. And I really loved the frames best. Bummer.
Also bought more dirt to plant some grass for Mom. Paint to repaint the metal table and chairs. Groceries. Meds from dear CVS. Shipped some housewarming gifts North for the girls. And dropped off some food culled from our pantry.
Back writing on Dee' check it out if you want.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wood Stork
Had a Wood Stork in the back yard yesterday. He came over the fence from the back pond. Then to the far pool deck then over the pool to our side. Mom went in for the camera but by the time she came back he had given up and flown to the roof and then away. He was huge thought the book said up to 5 1/2 lbs. Black under his wings, white everywhere else but his neck and head. His neck was mottled colors of blue, black, beige. Sort of a vulture appearance.
Mom knocked herself out raking and making green trash for the green man to pick up. She bought some grass. Guess I will plant it for her. Also have to work on the compost and level the bird bath. What an idea that was, they love it. Especially the crows and blue Jays. Now Mom wants to entice the Cardinals. She calls them redbirds.
Well, time to go swim.
Seek warm waters.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
1905 Salad, Columbia Restaurant
Fun with Linda and John
We had a great time visiting. Linda and I did the pool, sorry no photos of that. Had long talks. Watched the movie, The Fabulous Mr. Fox. John did some garage sales and thrift shops. Friday we went to St. Armands Circle on Lido Key. Shopped, ate at the Columbia Restaurant, walked the circle stopping for them to get an iced coffee drink and to window shop. Linda and I liked the jewelery. Also we can't pass up a bookstore for anything. Errrk... always put on the brakes for a bookstore. Linda got some good photos of the Seven Virtues statues in the circle. We bar-be-cued chicken which Honey did wonderfully. We also went to the Panda Garden restaurant and really enjoyed the great food there. Mom and I will have to go back sometime. They had my favorite sesame balls. Yum. So thanks for visiting. We love you.
Photos are of getting funds for shopping spree.
Settling in at Columbia Restaurant.
My favorite 1905 Salad.
Dee and Linda.
Friday, May 14, 2010
John and Linda
My Special Friend Linda Coker and her talented husband John are visiting for a few days. We love to have them for guests as they always have new and ongoing tales to tell. Linda and I met in our former lives as PRC employees in Winter Park, Florida. We enjoyed each other's company during meals and breaks when we would walk on the grounds or feed the fish/turtles. The turtles became our totem and it seemed whenever we were together we would see a turtle. I guess that isn't strange for Florida but significant anyway.
When I had to move to Georgia, our friendship remained strong even with a days drive distance and 12 years. And now that I am back we can see each other often. They are collectors of many items, enjoy music and movies, sightseeing and shopping, photography and storytelling. They both enjoy my Mother and her flashing wit. And sharing their time and friendship with us.
Too many years ago I visited Linda's family in Abaco and they were a joy. They made us feel welcome, generously opened their homes, businesses and hearts to us. My husband and my daughters being along made it one of the most memorable experiences of my life. And as you can guess, I was also welcomed by many georgous warm waters.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sesame Balls
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mom's Gift
So here is the promised photo of the pillow I made for Mom for Mother's Day. The back of the pillow is reversed in color, green in middle and brown on sides. Still don't know where the sewing machine is hiding but I think I did pretty well with the cording and all by hand.
Today we went to Millers Dutch Kitchen and you can have it. Those Amish cook very bland. Mom and I won't be back unless it is for breakfast. And maybe not even then.
We would rather have a hot dog at home.
At home tonight it will be Caesar salad and roast salad on toast. And while that may not sound exquisite it will be knees and bodies above Millers.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day 2010
I happen to be blessed with two beautiful, intelligent, loving daughters. They have pleased me through our lives with humor, joy, music and song. They have shown their love for me in thousands of ways, creative, helpful, generous, and caring. They have grown with love for family, friends, animals, earth and mankind as well as their carefully chosen partners. Mother's Day is the perfect time to tell them how fulfilled I am to be their mother, and how proud of the wonderful women they have become.
As my own Mother passes behind me collecting trash from the wastebaskets. And prepares for her volunteer job at the DeSoto National Monument Park. I am doubly blessed. How fortunate I am to have had the best Mom in the world as a child. She was the Mom who I volunteered for every trip, party, cake bake, chaperon, etc in school. She was the Mom who watched all the neighbors kids because we wanted to play at my house. She was the Scout leader, basketball coach, volunteer lunch lady and swim team carpool driver. She was support for the years my kids were growing. The grandma beloved. Always giving of her time, help and advice. But best of all she has given me the best gift of being here, alive and healthy for me to enjoy in my retirement. Feeding the ducks, squirrels, and assorted other birds and skimming never ending leaves from the pool. Taking trips to the second hand bookstore, lunch out, fishing, walking, cooking and relaxing together. Thanks Mom for everything.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Mom is 83
It is birthday day at our 912. Peggy is 83 years young. She got lots of phone calls and cards. I gave her a fig tree and flowers and planted them. I also took her to lunch at Olive Garden. Instead of cake she wanted Italian donuts and coffee. Probably have frozen custard for dinner with leftover donuts.
The temp is 90 and the pool water 84. I love it so much I get in every morning and sometime again in afternoon.
Rain avoiding us so I am watering grass seeds, hoping for some real grass instead of just pretty weeds in the front yard.
It doesn't seem fair to have a birthday two days before Mother's Day but she manages to hit it pretty close every year.
She is talking to one of her birthday callers at the lunch table. I love her.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Yeah, its me.
So you see why I haven't been posting...sigh.
But on the bright side, my pool is fabulously warm. Been planting flowers and herbs back there for even more beauty.
Riding bike, and bicycling in pool with floats. Mom's fig tree still alive. Grass seeds haven't come up in front yet.
Making vegetable stew tonight.
Haven't caught the thrift store lady, Carol, in yet.
Thanks Uncle Sam for paying back the loan. I can use it to pay the mortgage on the empty house in Kennesaw.
Have one week to clean up the guest room for Linda and John. Darn, I never should have put the quilting stuff in there. It snowballed.
Wish Mom had never introduced me to Sweet Berries frozen custard. Darn again.
So anyway if you come for a visit bring a swim suit, or sit on the side and watch me swim. Heh, heh.
Don't worry if you are afraid of birds, the ducks leave when I get in. Tee Hee.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Vic here
Going through the closets. OMG. Do we need this? Mine. Do we need this? Mine. I'm putting this here. His.
Can you believe my new pets? Whitey and Snowman. Great Egrets. Eat out of my hand. Shrimp. First time I offered ham and turkey. Ate the ham, not the turkey. Of course, now that I think of it turkey would be a sort of cannibalism. They have very sharp beaks. Enjoy pooping on the deck. Are very patient. Hang around until they are positive we will not go inside and bring any more shrimp. And they will eat them partially frozen, but shake their heads afterwards. They seem to know you have to go inside to get them food so they are waiting when you get back. They wait quite a while even if you are not coming back. Heh, heh. Photo is of Snowman. Mostly yellow bill.
Whitey had more dark on top.
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