Thursday, April 22, 2010

First Swim

Finally, pool warm enough for a swim. I just couldn't resist after spending an hour or so planting flowers in the bed by the pool. The water was 77 degrees. Just warm enough to swim and skim leaves and kick berries from Spanish Laurel into piles. I even got some sun. Honey, did you say you were expecting snow to stick today?

My poor fingernails. Couldn't find gardening gloves, I am not a Lady Gardener. I am a po white folk gardener. If you know me, you probably know I have cracking, splitting, flaking nails. Hopeless really. But digging in dirt never helps.

Not cooking tonight. But thinking in terms of Mexican tomorrow. Also thinking snorkeling time can't be far off. Sand dollars washing up at Sandbar Beach. Also thinking of Mother's Day and Mother's Birthday. Have a crafty idea she might like.

What's on your grocery list? Mine is:

Orange juice

1 comment:

  1. I just bought chick peas( back to roasting them) hot sauce, pasta, garlic, and sweet potatos
