Thursday, February 11, 2010

Salty Blues

I'm not exactly blue. But it is a let down to return to practically solitude after so much good company and my loving husband. I am a little overwhelmed by all that I have to do and am no good at organizing and very good at procrastinating.

I have made definite plans for today. Such as going to Walmart and getting healthy food. Umm... I didn't go yesterday. And attending the water class at the Y, also didn't go yesterday. And going to the library to get a card and ONE book. And to put away all the cruise stuff, which is difficult as there isn't much room to fit it in. And some was new and didn't have a previous place. Also plan to move some furniture. The table between the chair I sit in is going and the "seahorse" table is moving there from my bedroom so that I can open my empty jewelery box. Also pay bills and try to locate missing receipts.

I sure loved being in that beautiful water with the stingrays. Well, when they weren't swarming me because my scrubs were the color of the crew's legs. The crew with the squid. I ripped them off and they left for browner legs.

So I guess. I need to get off the blog and get to business. Oh, I forgot, I also plan to shave the dingleberries off Susie. Just had to throw that in. We both hate doing it and both are happier afterwards. Have a great day.

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