Monday, January 18, 2010

Packing slowly

I have started packing already. I am going to make some huge pom poms out of colorful yarn to put on all my luggage, will make spotting it in the luggage yard easier after the cruise. I am taking as few clothes as possible, considering we will have to shower and change before dinner every night I plan on washing a couple of times. I am planning on shorts (3) and tees (5)/swimsuits (3) for days, with long pants and long shirt over swimsuit for cayman and maybe Cozumel during in the water time. I went to Cozumel once during the spring and the water was a touch chilly during my dive. Probably cooler in winter, don't know. I'm bringing two skirts with different tops and one or two pants for dinners and theatre. I am bringing one sweatshirt, and one sweater or shall, it is cold in theatre and sometimes dining room and of course the wind blows on the boats. I'm bringing flip flops maybe 4 sandals and 2 tennis shoes. Only because of my bad feet and knees, Maybe even one crocs. Three night gowns, I bought two new ones. Cheap at Bealls Outlet. I think my black one must be 10 years old, maybe more. I still need to buy my underwater disposable camera. I'm not bringing much jewelery, only one set for dinner. Easier to keep up with. I just gained 5 lbs. I am just sick about it. Because I have been exercising and not eating much. I usually lose weight on a cruise, which is strange because I do eat, just have to walk mucho . all day and evening. And usually snorkel as much as possible.
Well, that is about it.

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