Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Man am I lazy or what?
This is my bed. I originally used the guest bed so my bed wouldn't look like this. HA. But now the guest bed looks much better. I can actually have guests.
So here is the guest bed. Christina honey, you get your room back. Kelly and Chris get Mom's room, they will be the Masters for this trip! Mom will bug out to the living room couch or recliner. Susie will have her choice. She will scratch at you door if she wants in. Hopefully, she won't, as she sleeps all day and most of the night but the rest of the night she wanders, grooms, chews whatever she can find, coughs, gags, snores, and jingles her tags.
It is a small room made smaller by storing extra belongings of others, former occupants of this house but we won't mention any names.
Be prepared for a shock, the freeze left the yard a mess. Some plants died some are barely hanging on. I will be sad if the papaya doesn't make it, but it is not looking good.
I am going to the Y, reading, cooking, messing with Susie who is not well and whose nose is growing but at the same time getting hard like it needs to fall off. Hard to explain. But not actually packing. Hopefully, today, like now, or after I play solitaire for a while. Heh, heh.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Spare Bed Doldrums
Ok this is what the spare bed looks like today. I want most of that stuff to fit into my suitcase for the cruise. Not the box of files and not the wicker breakfast tray, but the other stuff. I am a little depressed about it and about the fact that I have put it off for 6 days already. So hopefully, I will have the ability to face up to the chore today since I have photoed it and my kids can see the bed one of them will have to sleep in. I love you girls. Did I mention I have other stuff in my room to pack that didn't fit on the bed and a couple of things I still have to buy, oh and my snorkel gear. See why I'm depressed. I will never do this again. Til the next time.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
6 Days
Only six days til I see my beautiful girls. I miss them so much it makes me cry sometimes even if I've taken all my medication. They'll understand one day. I am so happy that they wanted to come celebrate my birthday in this manner, considering all the expense and disruption to their house-mates, jobs and pups. But I couldn't be happier.
This morning Mom and I went to Anna Maria to the old IGA store for breakfast and it was fun. It is mostly a bakery, but does breakfast sandwiches, quiches, and fritatas. As well as lunches of the same level. It also has a huge drink selection of weird stuff but we stuck with coffee. It is also a gift-beachy shop. Lots of fun there.
After we struck of to look for books and ended up on Siesta Key. We drove the length and got out at two beaches, one a dud and one worth going back to. When the water is warm again. I took a photo with my cell phone but don't have correct wire to put it on the computer. So you get another photo of beautiful Anna Maria waters.
Friday, January 22, 2010
List of things to do
Pack all the stuff on the guest bed.
Call carnival and order grand cayman stingray tickets.
Call about cruise tickets.
Play spider solitaire.
Fix bologna sandwich.
Water papaya tree.
Do some filing and pay some bills.
Play solitaire.
Make Mom and I some supper.
Watch something good from the DVR.
Play Freecell.
Hunt for something to read.
Go fishing if it stops raining.
Photo of manatee mom in front and baby on right.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
JoAnn's birthday
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Planning for bijou night, I forgot all about getting the vegetables at the farm. Mom on her way now to pick them up. I don't know if carrying a case of water or doing the water aerobics hurt my lower back but I imagine it was water related anyway. We are having a Mexican dinner, tacos, salsa and guac. with Rum Cake. The movie is either The Whale Rider or Finding Neverland. Neither is the Mexican movie that I had planned but oh well.
I got my new Florida tag with oranges. The I'm Back in all forms was taken. So I'm ok with it. Just printed the form to cancel the Ga license. I had never done that before. Oops.
My new license actually has a decent horrible photo and is quite colorful.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Water worries
Monday, January 18, 2010
Packing slowly
I have started packing already. I am going to make some huge pom poms out of colorful yarn to put on all my luggage, will make spotting it in the luggage yard easier after the cruise. I am taking as few clothes as possible, considering we will have to shower and change before dinner every night I plan on washing a couple of times. I am planning on shorts (3) and tees (5)/swimsuits (3) for days, with long pants and long shirt over swimsuit for cayman and maybe Cozumel during in the water time. I went to Cozumel once during the spring and the water was a touch chilly during my dive. Probably cooler in winter, don't know. I'm bringing two skirts with different tops and one or two pants for dinners and theatre. I am bringing one sweatshirt, and one sweater or shall, it is cold in theatre and sometimes dining room and of course the wind blows on the boats. I'm bringing flip flops maybe 4 sandals and 2 tennis shoes. Only because of my bad feet and knees, Maybe even one crocs. Three night gowns, I bought two new ones. Cheap at Bealls Outlet. I think my black one must be 10 years old, maybe more. I still need to buy my underwater disposable camera. I'm not bringing much jewelery, only one set for dinner. Easier to keep up with. I just gained 5 lbs. I am just sick about it. Because I have been exercising and not eating much. I usually lose weight on a cruise, which is strange because I do eat, just have to walk mucho . all day and evening. And usually snorkel as much as possible.
Well, that is about it.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I need to pack so I will quit shopping!
I was going to take two rolling suitcases, but now I think I might take one duffle just for coke and water and it can go into another suitcase on the way home. I should google "How to Pack for a cruise". I went out to buy chicken for dinner and came back with three pair of shorts, a white eyelet tee and two nightgowns. Yes, I still wear nightgowns. Silky ones. Oh, and three pair shoes. I do have a foot problem and anything to get me from one end of the ship to the other with minimum pain. May need another suitcase for shoes. Maybe I should buy that cute Vera Bradley one.
Photo from our cruise on Millennium.
That was some warm water.
I think the Az girls are bringing me a live chicken for my birthday. If they can get it on the ship, I'm sure I can get it off. I think I should wait to build the chicken house and fence until I get home, it (they) can live on the lanai til then. If course, Mom hates chickens but then squirrels are not my friends either.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Warm water in Grand Cayman
I like to bring these bathing beauties wherever I go. Attracts all the fine looking guys. And what is life without fine looking guys? Right?
I am hoping the water in Grand Cayman is warm, but just in case, I will bring some, long sleeve shirt and some long pants to swim in. I swam with stingrays in Orlando for my Mother's Day present. They were quite friendly and nobody was feeding them. So this deal should be masses of the things.
I have started packing, and boy I am bringing more junk along than ever. Less clothes, more junk. I'm thinking of buying some neutral flats and leave my heels behind. My ankle doesn't need any more stress.
Kelly, I love your sunglasses. I am thinking of getting my seeing glasses that size. More room to read/see.
I am still looking for my Mary Kay cosmetic bag. I had it in November and now, pouff, its gone. Don't you just hate that
I cooked soft shell crabs for Mom and myself last night. She made a sweet potato casserole from leftover sweets. And our favorite green beans. Even Susie loves green beans. That darn dog just doesn't want to eat anything except treats and she is even very picky about which treats she will eat. Mom goes out and buys her rotiss chicken and she turns it down. I have bought her Mc D's burger and she has turned it down. Forget dogfood, she will eat that once a week. Maybe. No matter what you put in her bowl on the floor, she either ignores it or sniffs it and walks away. Possible later she will go back for a taste. Anyone like to host Susie for a few months? I'll pay for her flight home with you!
Wow, a three day weekend. Wonder what the working people are doing on Monday? Heh,heh!
Friday, January 15, 2010
What a day!
This girl helped me until 9pm get rid of my stupid computer virus last night. I thought I would never get it off. She is so smart and computer savvy. Thank you Kelly.
I look back and see that it could have been an omen of my day today. I had errands to do before the cruise, like pick up medicines, get H1N1 flu shot, get FL driver license, get FL car tags, buy necessaries for the trip and go to Wal-Mart for Mom.
Well, for some reason, I usually have a hard time at CVS when I pick up my meds, but didn't this time, I even had a $7.50 free coupon and I used it to buy bottled water to bring on the trip. Vic and I like at least two bottles a day on a cruise. Also at least, 2 cokes a day which we also bring, it leaves room in the suitcase to bring back good stuff. They were nice an lugged it to the car for me. So I went to Walgreens for the shot and that was where the long wait and get in three lines commenced. I finally got the shot and left for the Tax Collector's Office where they do the tag and license. Well, while you wait for your turn, they give you a paper to read about what you need for your FL license, they just started this new proceedure. Well, I thought I was well prepared, GA license, passport, several forms with my new address, and then I saw I had to have my social security card or W2. So I leave and go home and get my SS card and return. No problem, get my license, even the photo wasn't bad. So we start on the tag. I kind of wanted a vanity plate that said, I'm back. But they could save me $250. if I used the COURSEY tag we had when last in FL so I agreed. We get to the last thing and it is the insurance, they said, I needed my insurance from a Florida company. Great! I find out that Florida is no fault and has to be by FL co. So I leave again, find the company we use, and transferred from GA to FL. Cost $300. up front, then taken monthly from my checking acct. Fine. They will call and get me a rebate for the unused portion of the GA acct. Back to the tax collector. I wait and wait, again. Lots of people showed up while I was at the ins. co. three people ahead of me and the computers go down. Turns out it happened earlier in the day and the trouble took one hour to fix and the problem was with Tallahassee office. Forget it. I go to the Dollar Store and to WalMart. Get mulch for Mom, tp and towel p and butter for Mom. A new blood glucose meter, tylenol, dramimine, stuff for trip. And realize it's too late to try to go back to tax collector so will have to go next week. Get home, too tired to get mulch, water, and paper products out of the car, they are still there. There is always tomorrow. Anyway, I have stuff to pack into the extra suitcase when I recover from my busy day.
15 days
I have my luggage open on the spare bed. So far there is only my new swimsuit in it, but by the end of the day it should be full. I have a long list of things to do today, including getting a flu shot for H1N1 as Mexico is where it started last time. And I am at risk. I also want to get my DL and Tag as it will be after my birthday when I get back and my GA license expires then. Also, I will pick up the cokes and water for the trip, a new blood glucose monitor, and an underwater camera, very expensive there. The disposable ones, I mean. Did you hear that a Carnival Ship sailed to Haiti with relief supplies? That made me very happy. I know old people like me are supposed to like the fuddy duddy ships better, but I always have a blast on Carnival.
I can't wait. Really, can't wait to see all my birthday peeps and get on that ship. Feet up on the balcony rail.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ok so this is not warm water, but it was beautiful at Niagara. I might be going back North in the spring to visit with Vic. I am going to work in a visit with the girls and a couple of weekend trips if I can. We really had a wonderful time on weekends in October.
Only 16 days til the cruise. I might get out the suitcase today and start packing the stuff. I tested my mask and snorkel in the Y pool yesterday and it's a go. I will go the a scuba place and get some extra snorkel keepers as back-up and I have one extra snorkel also as back-up. I have two other masks and snorkels and two extra sets of med. sized fins. Don't know where the large ones are. People with large feet will have to supply their own or rent there. We can share the three sets. Maybe K and J will also bring some? I will ask.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Finished Bathroom
Well, I dropped Vic at the airport this am. Going back to the snow. Brrr. Glad I'm still in Florida even though we are in the 50's during the day and they are watering the orange trees to prevent freezing. Of course, that raises the price of OJ.
The bathroom is very nice. Similar to the guest bath in Kennesaw. The new vanity is dark wood with feet, a lower shelf and two drawers on either side of the sink. Of course, Mexican tile, My "Lovejoy" painting of the cat and Uncle Bill's painting of the mission on opposite wall.
I have a long list of "To Do's" for the day. Like getting the tentants to put the utilities in their name and out of mine. I'd really hate to just shut it off. But... I could if they don't take care if it this week. And arrange for transportation to and from the port for 8 for the cruise. And get a handle on the cruise excursions and packing list. As well as planning the June Vacation. As well as the usual January organization, made extra difficult because of the move. So I really should get a move on. And definately not play solitaire after I sign off here. Right.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Sealed the tiles
Boy, it's going slower than usual. It's raining and the tiles didn't dry overnight after cutting and laying the edges even though he used a heater and fan. Finally, a hairdryer did the trick. If he gets it grouted we will go to see the Sherlock Holmes movie while it drys and record the Sugar Bowl. Who knows what will happen. We will do the cabbage and black-eyed peas thing tonight. Leftover vegetable soup for lunch. I started cleaning out the cabinets this morning to get the bad out and only keep the sugarless and low fat stuff. And am starting the YMCA finally. There is no registration fee in January. At $4o a month not cheap for one person but a heated pool, free classes, and all that exercise equipment that I won't have to drag all over the house is worth it. Photo of the tiles with the sealer on them.
OK, they don't look much different, but soon the walls will be painted, the grout grouted, the new vanity that is all put together, and the pretty shower curtain from Kennesaw will make a big difference.
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